Submit to Rune

Our regular action submission deadline for the 2021-22 publication is April 8, 2022 at 11:59 pm!

A literary magazine runs on the strength of the submissions it receives. We are open to submissions of visual or literary art for the the better part of each academic school year though selections are officially broken into two rounds (a fall semester round and a spring semester round). The submissions are reviewed by the staff, and the top pieces are chosen for inclusion in our publication (with all rights retained by authors and artists).

Given the number of submissions we receive each year, we can only accept from the MIT community at this time. Please submit using your Kerberos (MIT email).

Please submit each piece (prose, poem, or image) as a separate file.

Please note we do not accept submissions involving images of celebrities or copyrighted images or characters.


Please submit your art as .jpg or .png and name your Filename as your piece's title. If you would like to submit a high-resolution version of your piece, please e-mail your submission to


Alternatively, you can email your submissions to


Please submit your poetry or prose as a .doc and name your Filename as your piece's title. Submissions should be in a legible 12-pt font. We have no official length restrictions, but space considerations are a factor in determining which pieces to publish. Shorter pieces are more likely to be accepted, though we will certainly still consider longer works.


Alternatively, you can email your submissions to

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